easySPT100 Rental
Rental of easySPT100 for one , three or five months.
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Rental of easySPT100 families for one , three or five months.
We offer our customers the possibility of renting our easySPT family for up to 5 months.
This could be interesting for :
- Test our new family before buying it. After one month the customer can buy instrument and the rent cost will be deduced from final cost.
- Customer need a temporary substitution of a broken instrument. As for previous point customer may decide to buy instrument after the rent period. In addition we accept also the “scrapping” of old instrument in favour of a discount of new one.
- The customer needs to do a limited period of sampling and for this reason does’t not need to buy an instrument.
How is the rental organised?
First of all we consider a month composed of 28 sampling days (4 weeks of 7 days) and 3 days to receive, install and return the instrument. The customer must take care to respect deadlines to allow us to have instrument available asap for next rental. It’s however possible to extend the rent period in 1/3/5 months steps by paying price before period expiration.
The 31 days start on receipt of the instrument by the courier and end on the 31st day when the instrument must be returned to the courier. Instrument are fully tested and ready to be used, and a drum with custody is provided in addition to allow the strip change. We expect that customer will use instrument in the best possible way and therefore we don’t ask for an initial deposit.
Advanced payment is required and a contribution in transport costs will be required and will be dependent by destination and urgency ( for rent we use the most convenient tariff that usually needs 3/4 days to reach a destination in Europe but we can provide also a 24/48 hours solution!).
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